Rosary Books

Introducing the 33 Days Rosary Meditations, a collection of 140 pages of powerful meditations to deepen your prayer life. With an Imprimatur approval, you can trust that this book is grounded in Catholic tradition. The book contains 165 reflections which will guide you through a 33-day journey of prayer and contemplation.
Click HERE to view sample pages and get a glimpse of the beautiful content within. Written by an author who was inspired during his own holy hour, this book is a must-have for anyone looking to deepen their faith through the rosary.
33 Days Rosary Meditations
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Listen to the meditations and pray the rosary with the author's family with the free youtube videos.
Click HERE to View Sample Pages
Imprimatur Approved
140 Pages
Thirty Three days of beautiful rosary meditations. That's 165 reflections, guaranteed to be a powerful journey of prayer.
Easy Reading - Guaranteed to be used, over and over again.
This book follows the rosary schedule of the week.
(M/S - Joyful ----- T/F - Sorrowful ----- Th - Luminous ----- W/Su - Glorious)
This is the most extensive collection of Rosary Meditations you will find in one book. Thirty three days in all, one for each year of Jesus' life.
Back Pages of the book teach how to pray the rosary.
Sturdy Paperback with attractive cover.
4.25" x 7" will fit easily in a small purse, in your nightstand, in your glove compartment, and is easy to bring with you, wherever you go.