Rosary Books

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Book Summary
There once was a king that owned all the land, which was perfect for growing fruits and vegetables. The people who lived in the king’s land were allowed to pick all the fruits and vegetables that they wanted, so that no one would go hungry. One day the king came to visit the people that were in the land.
The king came across three people; a poor man, a rich man, and an ordinary man. The king said to each one of them, "I would like to have what you have in your bag." The poor man gave three of the worst looking potatoes. The rich man gave five of the best looking apples. The ordinary man gave everything that was in his bag.
Later that day, when all three of those men arrived at their home, they found on their doorstep, golden vegetables. The poor man found three potatoes that had turned to pure gold, and immediately thought of the potatoes he gave to the king. The rich man found five apples that had turned to pure gold, and the ordinary man found a bag full of corn that had turned to pure gold.
The following day, the king revisited all of those men. He told the poor man that he didn't want just the bad potatoes, but if he had given him all his potatoes, including the good ones, he would have seen all of them turn to gold. Similarly, he told the rich man that he enjoyed receiving the five great apples, but that he also would like his rotten apples as well, as he could also turn them to gold. Finally, in his final visit with the ordinary man, the king thanked him for handing over everything he had, for he was able to change it into things more wonderful than can be imagined.
The book then concludes, showing how God is the true Giving King, and how he has given us everything in his kingdom. He just asks us to give everything we have, back to him. So, if we have happiness, He wants us to share it with Him. If we have sadness, He wants us to give it to Him. If we have wonderful talents, He wants us to use them for His good. If we struggle with something, He wants us to hand it over to Him.
God, the true Giving King, will take all that we have, whether good or bad, and change them into things more wonderful than we can imagine.
Dress Your Best
Children's Book
Link Opens in Ebay
Written by Jeff Klazura
Illustrated by Author's 1st Daughter (6 yr old)
5.5" x 5.5" Softcover
Fully Illustrated
Written by Jeff Klazura
Illustrated by his 1st daughter, Caitlyn Klazura
(When she was 6 year's old)